YHC was looking forward to the El Diablo Q, it’s a great addition to the week. 13 Pax posted for a solid beat down, but first the disclaimer followed by a mosey to the field for a warmup.
- SSH IC x 31
- HB IC x 20
- Abe Vigodas IC x 10
- Grass Grabbers IC x 10
- Peter Parker IC x 20
- Mountain Climbers IC x 20
- Arm circles, IC x 24 total
With the Warmup complete, time to get busy! EMOM style!
- 10 Burpees x 10 minutes, the quicker you finish the more rest you get!
Four Corners is next. Start at the corner of the Goal line and the end zone.
- Catalina Wine Mixers IC x 10
- Lunge walk 100 yards to next corner
- Crunchy Frogs IC x 15
- Bear Crawl 53.3 yards (160 feet) to next corner
- Low Slow Squats IC x 20
- Lunge Walk 100 yards to next corner
- Merkins IC x 10 x 4 count
- Bear Crawl 53.3 yards to starting point
- Jump squats IC x 15
Ring of Fire
- Hold the Plank, 10 merkins each around the Ring, 5 merkins counted out loud, next Pax starts, hold the plank on completion of 10
- Rinse and Repeat with Hand Release merkins
- Tin Snips
- Dying Cockroach
Mosey back to Flag for COT
- 100 burpees before 6 am is a pretty good accomplishment
- YHC can never do EMOM alone, it’s good to be held accountable