You Say You Want a Revolution…How About a Few?
You Say You Want a Revolution…How About a Few?

You Say You Want a Revolution…How About a Few?

PAX:Akbar, Bushwacker, Cowbell, Shooter, Steve, Waterpik

Pulling up with a few ticks to spare, YHC found a relatively old guard Marsh reunion (given the off kilter schedules of the last month or two) with Shooter, Steve and Waterpik gathered center court. As we got started, 2 more wagons came skidding in ever so strategically.


10xs IC:

Toe Touches


Butt Kicks

Torso Twists


Gathering at the monkey bars, the PAX cranked out 4 revolutions of:

5 Pull Ups

10 Squats

15 Merkins

20 Mountain Climbers

25 LBCs

Run around the basketball court

Rinse and Repeat 3xs then plank until the last man returns, then offical 30 plank clock starts.

All told, that made 900 reps: 60 Pull Ups, 120 Squats, 180 Merkins, 240 Mountain Climbers, and 300 LBCs.

The PAX unloaded Santa Cowbells coupons of cinder blocks and an enormous tire to stow away at the Marsh for future use.


34 Freddy Mercurys without a minute to spare.


Count, Name, Shooter prayed us out with a special intention for one of our own. Please add your prayers to this special intention this week.

Thanks for following my wacky lead, guys! Y’all make me a better me.