You Don’t Got This, Bro – from Goose
You Don’t Got This, Bro – from Goose

You Don’t Got This, Bro – from Goose

PAX:Cardinal, Enron, Goose, Lil Cuz, Paradox, Smooth Operator

As six PAX gathered at the Lion’s Den, and Smooth revealed his beastly self, which was straining against the turqoise spandex of the Euro-tank, YHC was putting the last second finishing touches on a Holy Thursday themed beatdown.

We started with a warmup of the usuals after which Paradox, with much pomp and circumstance, formally shared his conclusion (after much research) that high knees and butt kicks usually go together. Thank you, Paradox, for your contribution to the scientific F3 community.

We moseyed to the basketball courts where YHC meticulously set up cones 20 meters (not feet, not yards) apart while Paradox meticulously connected YHC’s phone to JBL. We would be completing a bleep test, wherein an app gives beeps at intervals a few seconds apart, and those intervals get shorter and shorter as time goes by. At each beep, those being tested have to run the 20 meters from one cone line to the next before the next beep is sounded. At the next beep, they run back. If you can’t reach the cones before the next beep, you’re out and have to plank up off to the side.
The focus this morning was on not leaving your brother to suffer alone–that was the challenge given. F3 is all about shared suffering, so don’t let the guy next to you down by leaving him to suffer alone. This worked surprisingly well as all PAX blew through the previous performances at Schreiver Park. Once the first and then second guy dropped, though, it was like dominos. Cardinal and Lil’ Cuz showed some serious tenacity, though, by holding strong for multiple laps after that initial wave had crashed. Ultimately, though, everyone eventually called it quits, which gave YHC the chance to unpack some Holy Thursday content:

When Jesus told is apostles that they’d all abandon him, they thought they wouldn’t, that they could hang, especially Peter who swore to stay with him to the end. None of them knew their limitations like God did. And, when he asked Peter, James, and John to stay awake and watch and pray with him, they couldn’t, even after multiple chances were given. They were weak, and they all ran away, and Peter even denied him, not once, but three times. God didn’t call them and entrust his mission to them because they were strong and brave, but because of what He could do through them. But, they had to experience their limitations first before they could learn to rely on His mercy and His strength.

Next, we moseyed back to the front of the civic center and partnered up for a classic Dora 1, 2, 3. This would bring us into the chaotic experience of the apostles running every which way to try to survive–cuz that’s what happens when you try to measure how much you have to offer, or how much more you can take. You end up just trying to survive.
While Partner 1 chipped away at 100 merkins, 200 squats, and 300 LBC’s, Partner 2 bunny hopped up the stairs during the first 100, nurred up and down during the 200 (pretty chaotic), and ran two steps at a time up and down for the last 300 before coming back and switching with their partner.

So, now that we understood a little better the fruitlessness of trying to measure what we have to offer, we turned our attention to what Jesus wants to offer. We gathered at the lion for the song “Remembrance” by Matt Maher. Imperial Walkers for the duration (legs got pretty darn heavy) and burpees on remember/remembrance and worship.

3 minutes of Mary, and COT with some solid prayer intentions. Smooth needed the help of two men to remove the Euro-tank, and he lobbed the sweaty mess at Lil’ Cuz. Looking forward to seeing it on you Saturday, Cuz!
