Year of the SnakešŸ – from Thumb War
Year of the SnakešŸ – from Thumb War

Year of the SnakešŸ – from Thumb War

QIC:Thumb War
PAX:Bogey, Kilo, Kool-Aid Man, Mahatma, Mayhem, Thumb War, Vagabond, Windbreaker, Yell boy

Year of the SnakešŸ-

(Happy Lunar New Year)

I checked the field conditions when I got out there and felt it was dry enough for a field focused workout.

As the pax gathered Bogey brought to everyoneā€™s attention today is the start of the Year of the Snake which Hawg added happens every twelve years.

Moseyed to center field for Warm-a-Rama:

Abe Vigodas
Low slow squats
Grass Grabber
Mountain Climbers
Parker Peters
Thai fighters forward and back. I thought this was the spelling but Mayhem clarified during the warm up itā€™s Tie Fighters

The Thang – Dirty McDeuce

4 sets of 3 exercises done to 12 reps 1st 2 exercises were on your own and the 3rd was on a 4 count.

Set 1:
12 Hand release Merkins
12 squats
12 Flutter kicks

Run lap around track

Set 2:
12 diamond merkins
12 Bobby Hurleys
12 big boy sit ups

Run Lap

Set 3:
12 Carolina dry docks
12 alternating lunges
12 hello Dollies

Run Lap

Set 4:
12 wide merkins
12 wife pleasers
12 penguins

Run Lap

With time to kill, I added 2 extra sets to make it an extra Dirty McDeuce.

Set 5:
12 plank jacks
12 calf raises
12 Freddy mercuries

Backwards jog to end of field and sprint back to Center

Set 6:
12 Merkins
12 monkey jumpers
12 LBCā€™s

Backwards jog to end of field and sprint back to Center.

Ring of Fire
Al Goreā€™s and Squats
Leg raises and flutter kicks

Mary – Dealers choice with a 15 count max
Thumb war – Freddie mercury
Mahatma- crunchy frogs
Bogey- LBTā€™s
Vagabond – Pickle Pounders
Mayhem – X Factor
Hawg – Big Boys

Finished up with burpees in the last minute to help Kilo with MABA Challenge

Short mosey

Naked moleskin:

Mahatma had questions about Lunar New Year that we didnā€™t have answers too. Like what is the semblance of the wood snake.

There was a soccer ball left on the field that mahatma initiated us kicking it around and passing until the end.

My counting still needs work.

Hawg was really pushing Kilo on deconstructing merkins.

Hawg suggested I should have done a 12 animals themed workout