Yasso 800s – from Rudy
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Yasso 800s – from Rudy

PAX:Abacus, Amnesty, Bongo, Breadsticks, DAX, el guapo, High Rise, Jesus Juice, Kuch, Rudy, Saban, Screwtop, Smooth, Shredder

13 PAX at the stomp, expecting a traditional out-and-back in the late summer humidity. But if they had checked the schedule, they would have seen “800s” in the description. Kuch spoke for the PAX when he whined “can’t we just run on Marconi?” No, said YHC. And as the watch struck 5:30 – it was time for a disclaimer and then to the track.

2 lap mosey for a warmup (as Amnesty correctly observed, “That’s an 800!”).

The Thing: Yasso 800s.

Run an 800 at your 5k pace (or faster). Then mosey a 400 recovery lap. The 400 should be approximately the same duration as your 800. Rinse and Repeat.

YHC thought he was going to target 8:30 runs. But he got sucked in by Jesus Juice’s taunting and ended up pushing 8:00 pace for 4.5 800s. But that didn’t hold a candle to the speedsters – Smooth, Guapo and Saban (surprise surprise)

FNG (named Shredder) swore that he enjoyed it… And promised that he’s coming back.

Thanks everyone for willingness to do something new. And thanks to Screwtop and Breadsticks who altered their rigid training plans to join us on the track.