Wisner Mountain – Stomp #111
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Wisner Mountain – Stomp #111

PAX:Heisenberg, Cowbell, Jingle Vader, Bongo, Fracsac, Jiffy (F3-Birmingham), Woz, Rudy

I just felt like running” – Forest Gump

The 111th Stomp took place this morning, and 9 brave men were there to enjoy it.  The gloom graced us with lots of humidity and a lack of wind had the PAX really fired up to embark on a long mosey.  Welcome Jiffy from F3 Birmingham who is in town for a few days.  Rumor had it we were going to conquer the newly opened Wisner Overpass, so after briefing the PAX on the route and the usual disclaimer, we were off and on our way to the east side of City Park.  Here’s what we did:

Leg #1:  Mosey at your own pace from the flag on Roosevelt Mall to the foot of the Wisner Overpass.  Approx 1 mile.

Leg#2:  Run at your own pace up and down the overpass on the pedestrian lane and once on the north side, veer left on the service road along Bayou St. John for approx 100+yds, turn around at the stop sign and head back across the overpass.  This made for an approx .85 mile loop.  The goal was to run this loop (full or partial) multiple times until approx 6:05ish.  T-claps to the guys in the front PAX for knocking out three full loops plus some lagniappe.  Others knocked out 2 and some change.  The inclines seemed long and a tad brutal but nothing the PAX couldn’t handle.  The absence of breeze allowed us to really take in the all so pleasant aroma of steamy swamp mud from the bayou and carbon dioxide from the interstate below.  YHC got the impression the PAX was pumped up when we got to the bridge and glad when we departed.

Leg #3: Backtrack leg#1 and head back to the flag at you own pace.

Most guys covered between 4-5 miles total.  I think a few could have probably gone 5+ if YHC had mentioned prior that there was no need to wait at the start/stop of each leg….sorry for the mixup.   Either way, those guys kept busy with core work while waiting for the six.  Apparently JV’s watch was not in sync and made him tardy at the end but we’ll give him a pass since he’s posted 200+ times this year.

Closed out with a COT and prayer.  Thanks to those who posted and continue to push each other.
