Winter is Coming….nah..It’s Here!
WWiinntteerr iiss CCoommiinngg..nnaahh....IIttss HHeerree!!

Winter is Coming….nah..It’s Here!

PAX:Frac Sac, Jingle Vader, Surge, Shorty (QIC)

“Iron sharpens iron” – F3

It was so cold this gloom, but three merry men gathered in the Arctic Tundra to better themselves with YHC.  Nothing to say at the start, we were shivering…so we were off, but first…


The Thang

Warm-up mosey/karioki/backpedal around the Mardi Gras fountain with backs facing the lake…gotta keep your face safe from wind burn, and then over the levee to avoid the windchill.

COP #1: Must-Needed Warmup

10x SSH IC
10x Plank Jacks IC
10x SSH IC
10x Cowbell Jacks IC (yep, same Squat Jack joke in 2018)
10x Seal Jacks IC

Nice and toasty!  Line up in the street by a lamp post, let’s call it Lamp#2.

OYO: Sprint Circuit

YHC loves circuits..and circuits love the Pax…

  • Sprint to Lamp#3
  • Exercise A
  • Jog (faster than a mosey) thru Lamp#2 to Lamp#1
  • Exercise B
  • Sprint back to Lamp#2
  • Plank and wait for six
  • Mary Exercise

We did four rounds of this circuit:

Round 1: Exercise A = 15x Merkins; Exercise B = 15x Squats; Mary = 20x LBCs
Round 2: Exercise A = 15x Merkins; Exercise B = 15x Squats; Mary = 15x Flutters & 15x Hello Dolly
Round 3: Exercise A = 10x Burpees; Exercise B = 10x Jump Lunges; Mary = 8x Hi/Low Plank Walk (R/L sides)
Round 4: Exercise A = 10x Burpees; Exercise B = 10x Jump Lunges; Mary = 30x Putins

JV scared a Great Dane and his owner on the the fourth sprint….he ran right at the dog…of course, JV won the game of chicken, and the Pax won by not getting a visit from the men in blue!  I guess this is his way to say “Good Morning!”

Mosey down towards Canal and circle up.

COP #2: Jack Webbs (1:2 Ratio)

A Merkin followed by 2x Air Presses, increase Merks by 1 and Presses by 2….YHC chickened out and stopped the work at 8x Merkins. Pax called me out:

startled peter macnicol GIF by Ghostbusters

As you see, YHC has been sick (probably had what Rudy had) all week, and I was a leaky faucet of mucus this gloom…TMI? So we did an 8 count. #QwhatUcanDo

Mosey over to Canal and circle up for instructions.

OYO: Animal Parade

Three laps up the levee, transform into animal, run down the levee on the other side, and walk over to the start.

Lap 1 = Bear Crawl
Lap 2 = Duck Walk
Lap 3 = Frog Hop

Mosey back to the flag, where we held the COT (Countoff, Nameorama, Shoutouts, and a Prayer).  Thanks for letting me lead this fine group of Pax!


There isn’t a better feeling than to go thru a freezing weather beatdown with your F3 Brothers…. get out that nice and toasty fartsack and post tomorrow with Roots @ WPM or with ???? @ the Uptowner (we need a Q to sign up!).

Word on the street is that Rudy went pie shopping today for Da Parish…post at The Mothership to check out what flavor pie he gets!  Here was a picture of Rudy (left) and Da Parish (right) after the game:


CSAUP Alert:  Jackson Day Race is this Sunday!  Check with Da Parish for details..of course, after he eats his Humble Pie (this is my guess).