Who needs the 5th Grade – from Smooth Operator
Who needs the 5th Grade – from Smooth Operator

Who needs the 5th Grade – from Smooth Operator

QIC:Smooth Operator

Lil Cuz
Yankee Jeaux
Wet tap
Safety valve
Goats in machine in spirit

This morning YHC was excited to get back into the fold after Christmas and hunting season have hurt my posting numbers. YHC arrived at 0505 and the PAX started rolling in.

– Imperial walkers
– Arm circles thanks to Yankee Jeaux
– Cherry Pickers
– high knees
– Butt kicks
– Mosey to coupon corner

My first posting was 1/12/23 and I wouldn’t have done it if not for Goats in the Machine who happened to have the q that day. So, this beatdown is a modified version of Goats’ best work in my opinion.
Thang 1: Billy Madisons
• Perform 12 reps of and exercise and the run the walking path loop
• Add 12 reps of and additional exercise to each round
• Each round represents a grade level (you know like in the movie)
• Preform as follows”
o Kindergarten = Monkey Humpers
o 1st grade = Burpees
o 2nd grade = Chuck Norris merkins
o 3rd grade = Apollo uno’s 2 is one
o 4th grade = WW1 sit ups
o 5th grade = Penguins

YHC might have tweaked the exercises here, but I was really in the mood to do monkey humpers. Once we got to 5th grade, YHC decided to just jump to Thang 2 for time reasons. Who needs 5th grade anyway.

Thang 2 Catch Me If You Can”
PAX were partnered up in the field between The Stage walking loop and the subdivision entrance. The thang consisted of 5 squats while chasing each other via sprint and nerr for a couple laps across the field (edge of the parking lot to the white fence at the front of the subdivision).

Apparently YHC was never paired up with someone who was fast because a nurring Safety Valve smoked YHC trying to sprint each time. The PAX knocked this one out.

Thang 3: 11s
• Freak Nasty & shoulder tap merkins/ Travel Bear Crawl

This was performed on the bird poo riddled stage. Freak nasty’s on brick bench, bear crawl through the bird poo and shoulder tap merkins on the other side. Goats was on to something with this one, because this Thang kicked my butt. The PAX finished with 3 or 4 minutes to spare, so it was time to head to the sidewalk and do a couple burpees with the cars passing by. I believe we did 10 or so before 0600. We circled up and counted off, did announcements, and Yankee Jeaux prayed us out. Thanks for showing up for the manniversary and having fun.


Smooth Operator.