With a rare June cool front upon us, ten men (including an FNG) appeared from the gloom for a Rock City-style beat down. It was a blustery 72 degrees with 30% humidity. In most areas of the country that’s no big deal, but in south LA, it’s a huge blessing! With passport in hand, Gabrielle traveled from burrows of uptown to Pontiff for a no running, Uptowner-style beat down, in an effort to nurse an injury. Unfortunately, he did not get the memo that during the phased resurrection of F3 NOLA, Rock City lives three days per week at Pontiff, and the Uptowner is on suspension.
After the standard disclaimer, the PAX moseyed to the rock pile for a moderate to heavy rock. We then mosey to what was a nice, open baseball field, only to find it had been fenced off for little league baseball. YHC made the call to complete a warmup in the sliver of grass available.
All in cadence: SSH x31, IW x20, MC x20, and Arm Circles (10 forward/10 backwards)
After the warmup, the PAX slowseyed to the adjacent parking lot for the Thang. Shortly thereafter, Hawg complained, for the first time in my memory, of foot pain because of the asphalt and pebbles in said parking lot. Poor leadership on my part for not looking out for my men; however, Hawg took it like a champ! My apologies once again brother!
Ten Rounds of Tyson
The PAX lined up on one end of the parking lot with their rocks to compete 10 reps of the following exercises, in cadence. Then run to the other end of the parking lot, leaving the rock, for 10 of the following exercises (this is where Hawg rightfully complained), in cadence:
Round 1- Overhead presses 2:1
Round 2-Jump Squats- 1:1
Round 3- Curls 2:1
Round 4- Dying Cockroaches 2:1
Round 5- Squat Presses 1:1
Round 6- Diamond Merkins 1:1
Round 7- Chest Presses 2:1
Round 8- Lunges 2:1
Round 9- Rows 2:1
Round 10- 8-count Body Builders
This is where it really got going. Bogey was drunk with adrenaline and endorphins and began singing love songs from the 80’s. He even took requests. The Tabata app was set for one minute on and 20 seconds rest for each of the following exercises:
Incline Merkins, American Hammers, Monkey Humpers
Flutter Kicks, Freddie Mercury, Elevated Wife Pleasers
Return rock and mosey to the flag.
With a minute to spare, we completed penguins so we could feel like we were doing something, but really weren’t (except the FNG who did the penguins with his legs in the air- Tclaps).
COT: Announcements, intentions, prayer, and named the FNG (Double Fudge- I’m thankful Bogey was not present when I was an FNG). Welcome back everyone, and thank you for the opportunity to lead.