Who Dat Say They Gonna Beat Dem Saints….Not the Cowgirls!
Who Dat Say They Gonna Beat Dem Saints….Not the Cowgirls!

Who Dat Say They Gonna Beat Dem Saints….Not the Cowgirls!

PAX:#KingKong, #Douille, #SeaMan, #Popalock, #Sandbar, #Elwire, #Bacchus, #Squeal, #JingleVader, #AngiesList, #NineLives, #Chiquitta, #Quarterpipe, #Brushburn

The morning after an unbelievable Teddy Bridgewater led, Saints victory over the Dallas Cowgirls, 14 PAX gathered in the gloom to sweat out the excess alcohol from all of the pre and post gameday celebrations. After the disclaimer, the PAX moseyed to the field in front of the zoo for the following warm up exercises all in cadence:

SSHx20, Imperial Walkersx20, Grass Grabbersx15, Self Lovex15, Arm Circles (Seaman Style) Forward and Backwardx10

The PAX then slow moseyed to the parking lot, lined up and did 3 rounds of suicide sprints touching the lines at 15, 30 and 45 yards (approximately). 

Now the Pax’s heart rates were up, Chiquita gave us a 20 count, then the PAX mosyed to the front of the zoo and partnered up for a DORA 123. Exercises performed were as follows:

Merkinsx100, Dipsx200, LBCsx300

Once complete the PAX then moseyed to the pull up bars in the park and split into 4 groups. The four groups were pull ups, herpes, plank jacks and squats. 10 herpes was the count as the PAX rotated through each group. 

To wrap things up the PAX circled up on the most unfamiliar part of the golf course for me, the fairway, for a round of MARY. The following exercises were performed in cadence:

LBCsx20, American Hammersx20, Penguinsx20, Flutter Kicksx20, Freddy Mercurysx20, Box Cuttersx20 (SeaMan), Monkey Humpersx20 (NineLives), Low Country Crabx20 (Douille) 

Mission Impossible 30 seconds

The PAX then slow moseyed to the flag for count off, nameorama, announcements, intentions and a losing prayer. Its always a pleasure to lead this group of men!