With PAX on the rucking side totaling 4, it appeared the runners would be outnumbered on this Gloom.. The likes of Steve, Zoolander and Hammer as Thursday regs, was replaced with the unusual posting of Jose10k. Now that’s not a dig 10k, but outside of RCR or the occasional training days at the Treen center we Mandevillians are only blessed with your presence on Saturday’s and us fellas always appreciate your posting.. It would be rude of me not to thank Bushwacker also and we certainly appreciate your commitment outside of your shift days to post and know we wouldn’t have balanced out the PAX without you sir Wacker!! YHC had the privilege to slow down Waterpic once again this Thursday to share in great chatter as always…
Brief warmup of MC, Scorpion kicks, Bridges, SSH and Grass hoppers…
Ruckers 20 out and 20isssshh plus back while the runners logged in the neighborhood of 4.3 or so and Waterpic and YHC completed 20 Merkins 2x awaiting the Ruckers return…
Appreciate all of you HIMs for the commitment to post and until the next Gloom 👍🏼👊🏼✌🏼!!!