We showed up in the gloom but were missing our Q who never attends Okwata and has never Q’d but was signed up for his VQ
This group of gentleman stepped right up starting with @High Rise leading the warm up and stretches.
Thanks to all who jumped in to lead when called upon.
The mini H8 included running backwards up the hill, bear crawl across at the top, run down the hill with burpees, dying cockroaches, Freddie Mercuries & LBC’s at the four corners.
Bread Sticks then lead us on levie runs with burpees & Merkins.
We then were lead in the Motivator, aka the dance 😉 by our Birmingham guest, Ethanol. The Motivator is a deconstructed side straddle hop into 4 parts. A hop, separated legs, arms 1/2 way up, arms overhead. One of each, two of each, three of each … up to 10 of each… I imagine you will see the Motivator again.
During The Motivator by Ethanol from Birmingham, there was a siting of Rudy & Hawg on their mosey heckling us for being a new dance Krewe.
We then closed the exercise portion of our morning with Mary.
Announcements included Gnarley Nutria, Summer Race Series, our Family F2 event & RED shirt pre-orders.
We closed with our COT with intentions & gratitude!
Thank you for allowing me to step in and step up