What I Like
What I Like

What I Like

PAX:Boo-Boo, Chips, Darkwing Duck, Hokey Pokey, Kenna Brah, Hawgcycle

With RevSox on the IL and a number of regulars “preparing” for the H8!, I figured we might have some low numbers and that maybe it would be a good time to do an impromptu Q school at Popeyes. We are going to need some more Qs with RevSox out for the time being.

The Disclaimer

I gave the disclaimer with a little extra explanation of what F3 is and why it is different. The mission of F3 is to plant, grow, and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership. There are other workout groups on the city, but not counting FIA, these workout groups are led by the same people each time. F3, not only provides us with a good workout, but it also gives us the opportunity to hone our leadership skills. If you are not stepping up to Q, you are missing out on the most important aspect of F3. I love the fact that F3 is organized to be a community of leaders. Every man not only has the opportunity, but is expected to provide leadership for the group. This benefits the entire group. At the most basic level, it gives us a variety of workouts that improves, helping to accelerate our fitness. On a higher level it teaches us how to operate in a community, it helps us to learn how to support one another, it teaches us what works and doesn’t work, etc.

When you Q, you have to create a plan and execute it. You have to prepare for different situations. You have to effectively communicate your vision to a group of men and have them carry it out. You have to learn to be efficient. You have to motivate and encourage. You have to teach. You have to lead by example. You may just think of it as leading a workout, but if you do it correctly there are a number of skills involved that translate to the most important areas of your life.

The Warm-up

Counting is an important skill. We use a standard that helps us to communicate effectively. This makes the workout more efficient. Make sure you have memorized the following:

  • Next exercise is…..the ___________
  • Starting position…..move
  • In-cadence…..exercise

There are several different types of cadences you can use. Make sure you think through them and choose the one that will be most effective for the exercises you are doing. Make sure you count at an appropriate tempo. You want to make sure you don’t leave others behind. You also want to make sure it supports what you are trying to accomplish with the exercise. In the Warm-up, make sure you touch all of the different muscle groups you will be using. Dynamic stretches are good after the body has warmed. I like to alternate exercise in a standing position and in a plank position to make the pax get up and down.

SSH x 20 (4-count cadence – Chips), Imperial Squat Walkers x 20 (4-count cadence – Boo Boo), Mountain Climbers x 20 (4-count Kenna), Low Slow Squats x 20 (4-count cadence), Peter Parker x 20 (4-count), , 8-count Body Builders x 10 (Hokey Pokey), Red Bull Smurf Jacks x 20 (4-count cadence – Boo Boo), Catalina Wine Mixers x 10 (6-count cadence Dark Wing Duck), Abe Vigodas (4-count Chips), Merkins x 20 (2-count cadence Kenner Brah)

The Thang

The difficulty of Qing a workout is to plan for a variety of physical fitness and abilities. This is the F3 motto: Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you found him. This is difficult and it means that you, and other pax members, are paying attention.

Mosey to the wall for a Red Hot Chili Pepper. I remember how hard this was when I did it for the first time. It has to be hard. It has to be challenging. Is it ok if guys can’t do it? Of course. They can modify. Make the workout so that you are pushing the fittest guys. Others can modify as needed. If you see a lot of people modifying or just all out quitting, encourage them to keep going by providing them with ways to modify.

  • Bulgarian Split Leg Lunge Right Leg Forward (IC) x 10
  • Derkins (IC) x 20
  • Bulgarian Split Leg Lunge Left Leg Forward (IC) x 10
  • Incline Merkins (IC) x 20
  • BSLL Left (IC) x 8 – (When you smoke yourself, call for a countdown)
  • Derkins (IC) x 10
  • BSLL Right (IC) x 8
  • Incline Merkins (IC) x 10

Sometimes you have to admit defeat and an realize that you won’t finish eveything you want to. That said, it’s much better to plan too much than not enough.

We moseyed back to the flag for a round of dealer’s choice Mary.

  • LBC x 20 (Kenna Brah)
  • Big Boi Sit-ups (Hokey Pokey) x 10
  • LBC x 20 (Chips)
  • Flutter Kicks x 20 (Darkwing Duck)
The Skinny

The above account is mostly true. It is certainly true that the 6 men named in this backblast all posted at Popeyes and we all led different exercises. Who led which exercises and how many reps did they lead – who knows? But I do know that everyone did a good job of leading and I see some hard-core beatdowns at Popeyes from this group of men in the near future.