Westward Ho-lotta Huffin’ – from Bolt
Westward Ho-lotta Huffin’ – from Bolt

Westward Ho-lotta Huffin’ – from Bolt

PAX:Mambi, FCOJ, Kenner Brah, Fracsac, Bolt

Warm up: SSH 25x, Abe Vigoda 10x, Hillbilly squats 15x, Toy Soldiers 15x, Arm Circles froward/back, Moroccan Nightclubs, Seal Claps, finishing with Self Love all 15x

Bring Sally Up (4:00): squats, reverse lunge R/L, squat hold, air press, shoulder taps, mountain climbers, mission impossible

5 reps, adding 5 reps to each exercise at each tree (movement between trees listed) with a mosey back to beginning:

Round 1 (rear crab): burpee, Cracker Jacks (frog>star jump>frog), merkin, plank jacks

Round 2 (bear crawl): burpee, air squats, Peter Parker, Moroccan night clubs

Round 3 (forward crab): burpee, Bonnie Blair, Parker Peter, overhead air presses

Round 4 (bear crawl): burpee, R/L side squats, diamond merks, wife pleasers

Mary: dying cockroachesX25 and tin snipsX20 and 5 bonus burpees at FCOJ’s request
Count-orama, Name-orama, announcements, and intentions