Westward Ho—down R.E.S.P.E.C.T – from Bolt
Westward Ho—down R.E.S.P.E.C.T – from Bolt

Westward Ho—down R.E.S.P.E.C.T – from Bolt

SSH (25), Abe SLOWgodas (12x), arm circles forward/back, seal claps, overhead claps(all 20x), self love (10); Toy soldiers, Hillbillies (15x)

Frac rules enabled (plane coming in=pause the current exercise for 5 burpees then resume whatever was going on (2X)
winner does merkin/loser burpees and ties both do merkins, reps equal to round (10 rounds)
Everest(up/over/back the levee):
Lunge up one step, perform 1 squat, lunge up with other leg, perform 1 squat.
Side straddle hop burpees:
Perform 5 Side-Straddle Hops in cadence, then drop and do 2 Burpees (5 rounds/10 burpees)
Planks Jacks (ICx50, Duh!?)
10 jump-ups, 20 burpees, 30 merkins
SSH at beginning of song, then every time they say, “I get knocked down, but i get up again” you do a burpee. While not doing burpees, you are continuously doing SSH.
Tie Fighters
Baby Arm Circles in a lunge position. Forward BACs with right leg forward. Backward BACs with left leg forward to balance the Force
Dying cockroaches 50x, again—Duh!?)
Wife Pleaser-Squeezer: heels close to butt, elevate to wife pleaser but hold at the top for three count-lower to ground=1, rinse repeat for 10, Mahatma swore his butt didn’t tingle to which I say BS—too scared to admit it!
Bogey insisted I was gonna need a defibrillator due to my excessive panting throughout the workout to which I say, if I’m not out of breath there’s no way Triple Shift has even broken a sweat.

COT: beyond honored to be pushed by you men and appreciate those who joined my respect misery.