Wednesdays at JPAX are Back!!! – from Boo-Boo
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Wednesdays at JPAX are Back!!! – from Boo-Boo

PAX:Boo-Boo, Charmin, Space Cowboy

A party of three showed for the compound movement, block beatdown that’s been delayed several times due to a lack of attendance on Wednesdays.

A mosey to JPAS for a warmup, which included Abe Vigodas, Grass Grabbers, Mountain Man Poopers, Thai Fighters, Mountain Climbers, Merkins, the Kenner Bra famous Parker Peter Peter Parkers, and so on.

Next, to the Possum Nest for coupons; then to the ramp of the loading dock.


Man Makers x 5

Scantron (formerly known as Bernie Sanders) 1/4 way up the ramp, run back to your brick; Scantron halfway up the ramp, run back to your brick; Scantron to the top of the ramp, run back to your brick

• Man Makers x 5; Thrusters (squat press) x 10

Scantron shuttle run

• Man Makers x 5; Thrusters (squat press) x 10; KB swings x 15

Scantron shuttle run

• Man Makers x 5; Thrusters (squat press) x 10; KB swings x 15; skull crushers x 20 sqcurls

Scantron shuttle run

• Man Makers x 5; Thrusters (squat press) x 10; KB swings x 15; skull crushers x 20; sqcurls x 25

Scantron shuttle run

• Man Makers x 5; Thrusters (squat press) x 10; KB swings x 15; skull crushers x 20; sqcurls x 25; elf on shelf x 30

Scantron shuttle run

Return the coupons, mosey to the flag, and COT. It’s great to be back and always an honor to lead! Boo-Boo out!