Wednesday Workout of Dreams.  If we build it, they will come.
WWeeddnneessddaayy WWoorrkkoouutt ooff DDrreeaammss..  IIff wwee bbuuiilldd iitt,, tthheeyy wwiillll ccoommee..

Wednesday Workout of Dreams. If we build it, they will come.

PAX:EiEi and TurboTax (QIC)

Looking at things from an optimistic, corporate angle, F3 Covington experienced a 100% week over week growth rate.  Last Wednesday, EiEi posted alone.  This Wednesday, YHC joined him.  And the PAX would have experienced an even greater growth rate had Sir Mix-a-Lot remembered that we post at 0600 not 0630. Yes, we saw him pass by looking for us.  At least he remembered it was Wednesday.

Kicked off the Thang with a warmup of 20x IW IC, 10x Merkins IC, 10x squat thrusts IC, 20x SSH IC, and 10x plank jacks IC.

Mosey to St. Tammany Parish School Board Taj Mahal like HQ for some agility work.  Set of sprint/backpedals through the fancy upright parking barriers, then a set of parking lot backpedals/jog.  Set of shuffles through the barriers, then another set of parking lot backpedals/jog.  Time to move on now that EiEi just getting warmed up.

Landed on the other side of the Taj Mahal and used the flagpole circle for a Ring of Fire:  bear crawl half circle to the right, 10x Merkins IC, 15 second front plank; bear crawl left to starting position, 10x mountain climbers IC, 15 second front plank; bear crawl half circle to the right, 10x pank step ups IC, 15 seconds front plank; bear crawl back to starting position, 10x plank jacks IC, 15 seconds front plank.  Shoulders on fire.

Time for tabata People’s Chair using the flagpole.  20 seconds on, 10 seconds off 8x for 4 minutes of quad burn.

Tabata bench dips.  Same drill.  20 seconds on, 10 seconds off 8x for 4 minutes of work.  EiEi finally warmed up.

Mosey to Justice Center parking deck.  Spint up the two inclines, “recovering” on the flat sections, sprint down the two inclines, again “recovering” on the flat sections.  Then a mosey around the Justice Center through the Veterans Memorial and back to the Trailhead for Mary.

15x wife pleasers IC, 30 seconds back plank, 10x pike reaches IC, 10x leg circles each leg IC, flip over for 1 minute of front plank, then it’s a wrap.

Wednesday mornings in Covington are happening.  Come join the PAX.



  1. Hawgcycle

    Impressive. If you can sustain that kind of growth you should expect 2048 men by the end of August (2049 if you count Ron). That’s not just a workout, it’s a movement. Was it awkward doing the wife pleasers in view of the Gipper? I’m not sure I could have done it.

  2. EIEI

    Another TurboTax beat down. I am still deciding if it is motivating or discouraging to watch Turbo do all this with his pulse below 60 while mine is at 260!!!

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