Watch your head
Watch your head

Watch your head

PAX:Belloq, High Rise, Thumb War, Tool

Four PAX decided to participate in the second week of the Iron PAX 2019 Challenge on a hot and humid Monday morning. After the disclaimer, we took on the challenge.

“Meatloaf’s massacre”

4 rounds for time (Elapsed Time Scoring) Round 1:

*10 Manmakers

*20 Overhead Presses

*30 Kettlebell Swings

*40 Goblet Squats

*50 Incline Block Merkins

**1600 Meter Run
**Rinse and repeat for rounds 2,3 and 4 with the following modification: decrease run 400 meters for each subsequent round. Round 2 was 1200m, round 3 was 800m and round 4 was 400m

I was eager to take on this week’s challenge and tackle what I thought would be the toughest part of the challenge, the Manmakers. The very first rep produced a painful result for me when my coupon hit the front part of my hairline which left a knot on my head for a week. 
From there I proceeded a little more carefully. We all completed the challenge, encouraging each other along the way.
Results: Belloq 56:24, Thumb War 56:38, Tool   59:30, High Rise  62:04
Thank you for the opportunity to lead this challenge.