Wally Run Heavyweights
Wally Run Heavyweights

Wally Run Heavyweights

PAX:Mahatma, Mambi, Pai Gow, FracSac

4 Pax posted at the Wally Run on a very humid Thursday in the gloom. At 0530 YHC asked who was going to write the BB, and the silence hung in the air, held up by the humidity. So, YHC gave a disclaimer, and said run!

We all ran. The end.

COT with announcements, intentions, and closed with a prayer to the Sky Q.


  • YHC is feeling a lot better, it’s amazing how much better one can breathe without blood clots in the lungs. YHC ran 4 miles. Not bad, but not good enough. Time to get back to where things were before PE, and then progress beyond.
  • Still no lights at Pontiff.
  • After the COT, the four of us talked about how we all became bigger men over the last few months, which is slowing us down. We want to be HIM’s but have a little less FUPA to ease our strain on the Big Ball. With that, Mahatma challenged us to meet back at the Wally Run the Thursday before Labor Day 2021, and report back on how much less of a man each of us have become. Challenge accepted!