Viscous Circle – from Architect
Viscous Circle – from Architect

Viscous Circle – from Architect

PAX:Bogey, Crack Spread, Kenna Brah, Mahatma, Mayhem, Mr Rodgers, SamBreaux, Scantron, Squints, Thumb War, Vagabond, Wedding Planner

Disclaimer, Warm Ups

7 Minutes in Heaven (7 Burpees, 14 Spider-Merkins, 21 Leg Raises, 28 Lunges).

Viscous Circle – Pax traveled in pairs around baseball diamond by mode dictated by Q. Lead pair breaks off, heads to pitchers mound and performs 5 reps of prescribed movement. Pair then returns to group and signals for next pair to travel to pitchers mound for their 5 reps. Repeat until all pairs have completed said reps twice….repeat whole set 3 times.

Round 1 – travel via lunge, 5 burpees on the mound
Round 2 – travel via Bear Crawl/crab walk, 5 merkins on the mound
Round 3 – travel via backwards job, 5 jump squats on the mound

Wrap up it up with big boys, sprints, and wife pleasers.

Gratitude and COT….thanks Fellas.