Trailhead AO Going Strong
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Trailhead AO Going Strong

PAX:Chewy, Burgundy, Big Fish

Four Northshore F3 veterans met in the increasingly crisp morning air at the Mandeville Trailhead.


  • Mosey loop on Tammany Trace with three stops
  • Stop 1 – IW x 20 IC,  SSH x 20 IC
  • Stop 2 – Plank Jacks x 20 IC
  • Stop 3 – Slow Squats x 10 IC,  Squat Jumps x 10 IC
  • Mosey back to Trailhead

Main Event

  • Pullups / Incline Merkin Sets:  8X / 6X / 4X / 2X IC
  • Back Extension Sit-ups x 10 IC
  • People’s Chair + Air Presses x 50
  • Mosey to bus stop for Step-ups x 15 IC each leg and box jumps x 10 OYO
  • Three sets of serrated push-ups x 7 IC + shoulder blade retractions (“Y”, “T” and “I”)
  • Mosey to Trailhead for 2x Suicides
  • Circle up for Mary – Freddie Mercuries x 25 IC, Nolan Ryans x 10 IC each side, LBC x 30 IC

Close – Discussed the two year mark for F3 NOLA and Chewy shared the highlights from the workout last Saturday in City Park.  Congrats to our Southshore friends.