To your left, no my left….Get Some!
To your left, no my left….Get Some!

To your left, no my left….Get Some!

PAX:2-Utes, Rudy, Da-Parish, FracSac, BagAss, MotherShip, TripleShift, Dewy, BabyFace, Tool, Justice, Hisenburg, Abacus, Detour, 86, Waz, Mahtma-Ice (Q)

From the start (a bit of humility and learning) set in for the QIC as 16 men gathered and heard the disclaimer by none other than Craig…..Oh wait a minute a.k.a. Mahatma-Ice.  So it begins –


Mosey to towards the big field for warm up – while listing to chirping complaints that “running” is only supposed to on certain F3 workout days.

Warm up

SSH x 30

Seal Jacks x 25

Down to your 6 – no stand up (to moans from the Pax primarily Rudy and FracSac, as if the extra effort was going to cause a little more sweat).

Once back up Hillbilly x 15

ISW x 10

Austin Butt Kickers (again communication break down as to left arm out, “what leg” back.  QIC may be better at demonstrating the exercise, it finally begins) x 20

Dive Bombers x 5 (4 cnt)

Bicycle Kicks x  20

Now for the reason we all got up and came out this morning… The Thang-

1st Field Event:

2 man team – 100 Burpees total split “evenly” between them.  (1) did Burpees will the other went out 2 tree distances doing Bear Crawl then back doing Kongs – Switch the effort.  I think most got a shot at doing the out and back twice.  I teamed with Frac, he was determined to add in additional Burpees thinking I might have gotten more than him (I’ve come to learn, he likes them!)  Can’t speak for any other teams.

2nd Field Event:

Pax broken up into 4 teams of 4 –

ZigZag Squat Run; Indian Style (with some kind of audible to note that Pax member completed their run and next Pax to go).  Distance 4 trees with the entire team to sprint back. QIC noted after the start of this “thang” that the losing team had to complete 5 Burpees (TripleShift’s team lost – complaints about brotherhood so all teams gave the 5).

3rd Field Event:

2 teams of 8 –

Body Tent Low Crawl – Distance 5 trees (Again complaining from the field that there was some kind of “big” brother rules as to the line of completion for everyone to sprint back) so again PAX all participated in Burpees

4th Field Event – Back to 4 teams of 4

Low Crawl – Frog Hop – Low Crawl – Frog Hop….. Distance 4 trees.  (Bit of a communication break down but PAX figured it out and the event was completed)  Can’t recall the losers but I think the understanding was we all shared in the Burpees.

5th Field Event – Pax back to 2 teams of 8

Plank Body Hurdles (Indian Run) – losing team busted butt to make it close but circled up to start Burbees – somehow the brotherhood of sharing the pain was now gone with the other team heading off to get water…..Rudy called them out and most jumped in grinded out a few.

Slow mosey towards fountain –

Pax circled the Fountain with QIC wanting to create 8 2 man teams – seemed easy enough….”look to your left and that’s your teammate; well my left!  QIC learned a lesson as to using a count off to establish PAX position then match 1&2…… (this will be used next time for sure).  Now add in that we pissed off the legal training crew, encroaching on their space – we only needed a small section but this might be why women aren’t mixed in with F3 groups, they pick up their stuff and stormed off, clearing the area.  (When Qing in future, I’ll be more sensitive).

1st Fountain Team AMRP

While one member did box jumps the other hopped 1st set of steps then 2 Burpees at landing area then hopped as many steps at a time until reaching the top landing 3 Burpees, run back – SWITCH  x 2

2nd Fountain AMRP

Same team effort as above except Shoulder Taps 1st, then Durkins while teammate hops the steps and does Burpees.

With about 7 minutes to go – Mosey back towards the flag – TripleShift was pushing the pace so we had enough time to detour to the big field for some last minute Mary-

LBC x 20 (4cnt)

Scuba kicks (Flutter Kicks) x 20 (4cnt)

WWII – Sit ups x 4 (4cnt)

Pax member reminded (actually it might have been a complaint) that QIC had passed the 7:30 mark so the fun had to end with a quick mosey back to the flag.

COP, announcements, no intentions – closing prayer.

Gents thank you for the opportunity to lead (and learn) today.  No doubt God gives us the blessing of the present to be embrace and enjoy.  I’m want to give a shout out to 2-Utes for getting me involved with F3!