Time Flies When You’re Having Fun, But I’ll Be Back To Finish What I Started!
Time Flies When You’re Having Fun, But I’ll Be Back To Finish What I Started!

Time Flies When You’re Having Fun, But I’ll Be Back To Finish What I Started!

QIC:Boo Boo
PAX:Boo Boo, Smooth, FracSac, Cowbell, Tool, Abacus, Walley, Bogey, Half Nelson, High Rise, Room Service, and Screw Top

YHC hasn’t been to the NOLA Foundry since the start of the Popeyes AO.  Smartly, Amnesty volunteered me to Q so I can give back to one of the AOs that helped me get started in F3.  It was nice to see PAX YHC hasn’t seen in a while and a good reminder of all the NOLA Foundry has to offer.  Consider hitting an AO you haven’t been to in a while or ever!


After giving the disclaimer, YHC led the PAX in what was considered an unorthodox direction.  Some of the PAX were confused with the change, but the concerns were quickly quelled as we moseyed a short distance for the following warm up IC: SSH x 21, IW x 20, Arm Circles x 20 (10 each direction), Grass Grabbers x 20, Plank Jacks x 20, and Abe Vigodas x 10.

The Thang

The PAX were divided by 1s and 2s on either side of the Roosevelt Mall for a Route 66 (War Eagle would be proud!). PAX 1 to the left for incline merkins adding one at each bench and PAX 2 to the right for dips using the same counting scheme, for a total of 12. Plank and wait at the end, then switch sides. Once each PAX had their turn on either side with both exercise, rinse and repeat using LSS and step-ups, but the step-ups were cut back to ten so the opposing PAX didn’t have wait too long.

Being my second Q ever, I did not estimate time correctly and had what would amount to another beat down that was going to go unused. Not a problem, I will return to finish what I started! With approximately seven minutes to kill, we did the following Mary IC: Tin Snips x 20, LBCs x 25, Dying Cockroaches x 20, Peguins x 20 (as a reprieve to silence some of the mumbling), and J-Lo’s x 20 (in honor of Amnesty who has been down and out with a nasty lung infection). Returned the PAX to the flag exactly at 0615. I noted Smooth wasn’t winded nor sweating, so the mumbling about the Mary was unfounded and attempts were made to make Cowbell take the fall for the mumbling, but we know better!

After a quick reminder from the PAX on the proper order to end a beat down (another attempt to be unorthodox), COUNTOFF, NAMERAMA, and COT. Prayers for the sick, injured, struggling, and private intentions, as well as gratitude for this group of men who work hard and motivate each other.

Once again, it was an honor to lead and I’m thankful for your willingness to follow. I’ll be back soon as a PAX and to finish the beat down.

12 strong at the NOLA Foundry