This BB is Late – I’m a Bum
This BB is Late – I’m a Bum

This BB is Late – I’m a Bum

PAX:Amnesia, Abacus, Frenchy, Hand Grenada, Mahatma-Ice, Mambi, Rocket, Two Yutes, Hawgcycle

Walking back to my house from the Uptowner, I met a man and woman walking their dogs.  The man was in his 50s and dressed as if he might own a sailboat.  It stood out to me that he was wearing sunglasses at 0630, so I will call him Shades.

Shades:  You alright?

Hawgcycle:  Yeah, why?  Do I not look alright?

Shades: ….

Hawgcycle: …..

Shades:  Well, I can tell you are not a bum.

Hawgcycle: …..

Shades:  Where do you live?

Hawgcycle: …..

I’m pretty sure the fact that Shades told me he could tell I was not a bum means:

  1.  He was pretty sure I was bum when he first saw me.
  2. He was still not sure that I was not a bum.

I’m not sure what the term bum means to Shades, but I am going to take this interaction as a compliment.  My alarming appearance and fatigued stagger leaving the Uptowner Arena means I left it all at the AO.  There is also the possibility that my disheveled hair, $3 flip-flops, painted toenails, and horrendous stench formed his opinion.  I’m sticking with the former.

Here’s what put me in that state:


SSH x 30; IW x 31; Don Quixote x 15; Hug it out OYO while YHC gave some instructions.

Iron-Pax Pre-Challenge

20 Hand Release Merkins – 100 yard Bear Crawl – 20 Hand Release Merkins – 100 yard Bear Crawl for time.

Wood Hero WOD

400 meter run – 10 Burpee Box Jumps – 10 Sumo-Deadlift High-Pulls – 10 Rock Thrusters.  AMRAP.

Most of us used the T-Shift Laundry Detergent Buckets to jump over for the Burpee Box Jumps.  A few used the pump wall.  We also used the buckets for the Sumo-Deadlift High-Pulls.


Many things were impressive about this group today:

  • 9 guys posted – big turnout
  • 5 guys wore red.  Most ever
  • All 9 were sub 8:00 on the challenge and ranked top 60ish
  • All 9 attacked the Hero WOD after bearcrawling for days

Thanks to all those protecting freedoms around the world.