The Uptowner brings Gabrielle – from Pool Boy
The Uptowner brings Gabrielle – from Pool Boy

The Uptowner brings Gabrielle – from Pool Boy

QIC:Pool Boy
PAX:Fast Tax, Gabrielle, Hand Grenada, Pool Boy, Space Cowboy, Wedding Planner

After a brief disclaimer, PAX moseyed across to parking lot by the Pavilion for some warmups.
Low slow squats
Arm circles
Scantron stretch
Cement grabbers
Abe Vigoda’s

Thang 1(Under Pavilion)
Decline Merkins

Mosey to the gym for Thang 2
Set 1 – 10 Burpees, run around gym
Set 2- 20 donkey kicks, run around gym
Set 3 – 30 imperial walkers, run around gym
Set 4 – 40 merkins, run around gym
Set 5 – 50 LBC’s, run around gym
Set 6 – 60 squats, run around gym
Added some decline planks and calf raises.
Thanks for showing up guys!