The Substitute
The Substitute

The Substitute

PAX:The Apprentice, Jammy Fanny née Breitbart f/k/a Trump, Mulch, Jadaveon, Tinkles, Eighty-Six, Douille, Reluctant Yankee, Hawgcycle, Nip/Tuck, El Wire, Bartman, Seaman, G-Spot, Jingle Vader, Mulligan (QIC)

It was chilly out in the gloom where 16 men gathered around a flagless patch of dirt in the park.  With Roots recovering from a leg injury, YHC was asked to fill in as Q and was unable to come up with a quick enough excuse for saying no.  Before the Pax could disperse upon learning of the downgrade at Q, YHC snuck in a quick disclaimer and led the Pax over to the kickball fields for a warmup COP:

  • SSH x30
  • IW squats x20
  • Plank Jacks x20
  • Peter Parker x20

Short jog from there to the soccer goal where we split into 4 groups:

  • Merkins x20 (timer)
  • Supermans
  • Shoulder taps
  • Pull ups

Rinse, repeat, then head to the surprisingly well-manicured levee at the Fly for some 11s featuring burpees and jump lunges, which proved to be quite the challenging combination.

From there, Indian run in two groups down the levee to the Fly exit ramp.  There, the Pax planked up in a line, alternating head to toe.  First man jumped over the legs of the other Pax members and got into plank position at the end of the line.  Next man did the same until the entire Pax had gone two rounds. During round two, we modified the plank into a plank walks.

We moseyed on from there and braved the mystical Labyrinth for two and a half MOM:

  • LBC x25
  • Russian Twists x25
  • Dying Cockroach x51

Hustle back to the VSF for the COT – count, name-o-rama with a renaming part 2, and prayer.  We kept Roots in our thoughts as we hope for a quick recovery.


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