The Metry H8! – PRACTICE – from Mayhem
The Metry H8! – PRACTICE – from Mayhem

The Metry H8! – PRACTICE – from Mayhem

PAX:Architect, Bogey, Fast Tax, Mayhem, Mr Rodgers, Pinewood, Rougarou, Rudy, Scantron, Squints

YHC was caught by the train, but still able to plant the flag by 5:28
74 F & 93% RH

Party of 10 excited to see what was in store
8 to the field and 2 KnOT’ing on the track, we’d see them later

Warmup consisted of the norm: Slow AV, Soggy GG, MC, PPP, TF, FT, SSH

The H8! is returning to #okwata October 24th, so YHC thought it would be good to get some practice in @pontiff

5 rounds of The Metry H8! (we’ll shoot for 8 before game time)

We started on the south side of the bleachers. At the start, you do a descending burp and merk pyramid starting at 5 (burpee and 5 hand release merkins, burpee and 4 hand release merkins… burpee and 1 hand release merkin).

Each lap consists of running north snaking the bleachers to the far side, bear crawling to the steps of the gym, make a lap around the gym, bear crawling back to the north side of the bleachers, snaking the bleachers back to the starting point on the south side. Rinse and repeat.

• Run nearly 2 miles of bleachers/stairs
• 350 yards of bear crawls
• 15 burpees
• 35 merkins

Picked up the SIX. Did some Mary. Head to the flag.

COT, Count, Name, Announcements, Intentions

Upcoming events…
9.21 – Power Mile
9.28 – Brothers Keeper 500
10.19 – reenactment @mothership
10.24 – the H8! returns
10.26 – anniversary convergence @mistymountain

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