The Great Nursery Rhyme Beatdown of 2022 – from Goose
The Great Nursery Rhyme Beatdown of 2022 – from Goose

The Great Nursery Rhyme Beatdown of 2022 – from Goose

PAX:Paradox, Percleator, Kilo, Pledge, Picadilly, Tighty Whitey, Pope, Coyote, Bam Bam, Goose

Kilo warned us it might happen. “Bring a towel,” he said. “It might be wet out there,” he said. But, little did he or the rest of the PAX know the level of carnage that YHC had in store for this cold, windy, soggy morning. Of course, Cardinal may have used his spiritual upper hand to gain some kind of foresight that led to his admittedly pure, unexcused fartsacking. The rest were caught off guard by what at first seemed to be just a semi-creative way to work through a hard, but not impossible Tabata list. But, then came Jack and Jill…

Warmup: the usual Goose faves–SSH, WM, AC, IW, and Self-Love with some high knees and butt kicks to wake up the cardio system

Thang 1: Tabata (“It’s Italian for…”)
One minute, as many reps as possible (AMRAP) of each of the following exercises, with 30 seconds of rest in between, which was long enough for YHC to explain the next nursery rhyme and its connection to the assigned exercise:
* Humpty Dumpty—wall sit
* Jack be nimble—hop back and forth over a line, feet together
* Sing a song of sixpence—8-count body builders (the king was in his counting house…)
* Pop Goes the Weasel—monkey humpers
* Old King Cole—wacky jacks (like a jester)
* Georgie Porgie—suicides (when the boys came out to play, Georgie Porgie ran away)
* Little Boy Blue—BBS (wake up, boy!)
* Little Miss Moffet—Dips (rise up off that tuffet!)
* Peter Peter—Peter Parker Peter
* Old Mother Hubbard—Nolan Ryans (reaching into a bare cupboard, coming up empty-
* Rockaby Baby—LBC’s
* Three Blind Mice—mosey to the sidewalk in front of the playground (see how they run).

Thang 2: Jack and Jill
Partner up (Jack and Jill): Jack (partner 1) runs up the hill to fetch a pail of water, and does five jump squats at the top before coming back down, while Jill (partner 2) falls down (burpees). Partner 1 takes over the burpee count upon returning until 100 are completed. Then, Jack broke his crown: 100 Carolina Dry Docks, while partner 1 still ran up the hill to do five jump squats. Lastly, Jill came tumbling after, which meant 100 Superman/Canoes while Jack still ran up for jump squats. Superman/Canoes = PAX started on faces in Superman position (arms and legs up), then rolled to the six without the use of hands to Canoe position (head and legs a few inches off the ground, hands down by hips).
The combination of that many consecutive burpees with jump squats at the top of a small hill seemed to be a new level of suck for many of the Bayou PAX, but complaints were few. Could’ve been because we still hadn’t laid in any cold puddles yet (Superman/Canoes were done on the sidewalk.)

Thang 3: Deal or No Deal
YHC left the nursery rhyme theme behind for the last 15 minutes as we moseyed to the practice field and the heretofore hidden F3 Deck of Death was revealed. (Note: the cards are very much waterproof, mudproof, and tear proof, but the box is very much not.) Each PAX was given a chance to pick two cards but only look at the first. They could then decide whether all would complete the first card’s exercise, or blindly commit to the second.
Though most of the ridiculously hard cards were avoided, the greater majority of exercises chosen seemed to require lying in the mud, so Kilo’s warning was well grounded. Due to the high winds, most PAX were still wearing their sweatshirts (even after Jack and Jill) so they soaked up the frigid puddles like sponges. The mosey back to the flag was heavy and cold, but spirits were high as the proud PAX discussed making t-shirts or getting tattoos that said, “I survived the Great Nursery Rhyme Beatdown of 2022!”

COT and Paradox prayed us out.

Thanks for letting me lead and being willing to keep pushing, especially you new guys who are still working through your first weeks of this! And, much gratitude for you somewhat more experienced PAX who have decided that F3 is now a part of how you do life well. Your companionship in the gloom is a gift beyond value!

See You in the Gloom,