With billions of dollars spent in the health and wellness industry, everyone is looking to sell some magical elixir or hawk some new idea to recapture one’s youth. Well, I’ve been in this fitness space for over 40 years and there is no magical pill, new diet, new exercise routine or some infusion therapy to prevent the aging process. Yep, I know, that’s pretty profound but facts are facts. We don’t live here forever but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t take care and maintain the body that God bestowed upon us. The big rocks of quality sleep, quality food and quality movement can never be eliminated if you want to live a long life. I’ll talk about quality relationships and the longevity space for another time. Anyway, a book I am reading called Born to Walk by Mark Sisson talks about the ‘quality movement’ space and that 50% of our exercise should be focused on strength training. One of the most dangerous things one can encounter when they age is finding themselves weak and old. That is a recipe for injury, disease and premature death. Ouch!
With strength training on my mind, I attempted to reincarnate the MUSCLESHIP! For all you newcomers, that was non running workout on Saturdays to help people on IR that couldn’t do Mothership. Simply put, we would lift heavy things and move around.
Head to the Peristyle to warm up with slow IC exercises. 10 LSS Squats, 10 low Tie Fighters (front and back), 10 slow cadence Imperial Walkers (#CrowdPleaser), 10 IC Lunge around the clock, 15 slow merkins, 10 slow Peter Parkers, 10 slow shoulder taps and 10 burpees IC.
Now that we are warmed up, we head to my bus and pick up all the KB and Dumbbells from the back. Everyone lines up single file holds one weight, and we start walking to the foundry. The last person in line doesn’t have a weight and does 10 BBSU and sprints the front where everyone stops, puts down their weight and moves back one spot and picks up the weight from the other pax member behind them then continues forward.
Once we reach the foundry, Rudy’s chirping threw me off slightly but I quickly regained my composure and listed out the exercise stations. 10 pull ups, 10 merkins, 10 Bulgarian split squats, 10 squats, 10 dips with the timer being a run to the track, perform three burpees then run back. We performed 2 full rounds then finished up with 10 slow supermans.
We head back to the flag in the same fashion that we went to the foundry.
Closed with a prayer of gratitude for the life we have been given, especially with some of the pax member’s losing loved ones. Help us be strong for our loved ones, and our community so we can be a light in a dark world.