The Cindy Crawford – from High Rise
The Cindy Crawford – from High Rise

The Cindy Crawford – from High Rise

QIC:High Rise
PAX:Baywatch, Catfish, Double Fudge, High Rise, Jesus Juice, Kuch, Mama’s Pride, Saban, Snooze, Triple Shift, YaMomAnEm

On a lovely humid warm morning the brace men of F3 arrived for my first official Q in quite a while as I had been nursing a mild injury. I was limiting my F3 attendance to avoid further injury but I also had planned on this particular beatdown as a way to test out my injury and also push the men of F3 as we are all prone to do. Disclaimer was given and off we went.

Warm up: Mosey around part of the track while performing high knees, butt kicks, and karaoke while on our way to The Foundry.

Tha Thang: As everyone gathered at The Foundry I explained the workout for today. 30 minutes AMRAP of a full body exercise routine: 5 pullups, 10 merkins, 15 squats, 20 LBCs (1 is 1), and 25 calf raises. Thanks to the Exicon for helping me find this routine called the Cindy Crawford.

After 30 minutes we moseyed back down Roosevelt Mall to the flag where we cooled down with some stretching.It was a pleasure as always to lead the men of F3 and I was glad to report that no further aggravation of nagging injury occurred.