The Chain Gang
The Chain Gang

The Chain Gang

PAX:BBQ, Turbo Tax, Smokey, Barely Legal, cobra, Einstein, Zoolander, Cowbell, Akbar, Grover, Maverick, Jose 10k, Bart, Hammer

A reprise of the famous chain gang workout returns by popular request. After a brief warmup of 10x SSH/Toe Touches/Arm circles a short mossey to the Oxlot next to the Woodwright shop. After dragging out the chain (about a 150′ of 3/8″) and stretching it out doubled the 5′ and 6′ tires were placed in the middle. The Pax counted off and the 1’s on one side and 2’s on the other. The thang consisted of on your own sets of 5 reps Mer/BBSU/Leg Raises/Squats/Toetouches for everyone while alternating turns to drag the doubled chain 400′ return and flip your choice of tires 5 times. It gets interesting when the creativity kicks in. The animals couldn’t resist dragging while doing arm presses or backwards or running or holding arms outstretched. Of course getting mumble chattered to exceed the last CSAUPA. Since the by all appearances light weight Rep routine seemed easy most didn’t notice that the continuous rinse and repeat started to add up.

Im not sure but I think Zoolander and Cowbell being slightly out of their minds even invented a new Merkin. Take a hand clap Merkin and add a feet clap at the same time and you get I will call tentatively the Antigravity Merkin.

Yours truly was impressed. After 45 every member of the PAX had achieved his own very real beatdown. Countarama and close with a prayer of thanks for our new strengthened ability to share.