The Breakdown of the Human Mind – from Goose
The Breakdown of the Human Mind – from Goose

The Breakdown of the Human Mind – from Goose

PAX:Goose, Elmer's

YHC has noticed that toward the end of particularly brutal beatdowns, even simple brain activity, like remembering your own name or age, can be a challenge. So, this morning, YHC decided to take up that challenge with a combination of a ladder routine and a memory game. (Props to Percleator for first introducing this idea).
At 6am, YHC thought maybe this idea would have to wait for another day as I sat alone in the Schriever Park parking lot, but then Elmer’s showed up at 6:01 with all those colored hoses flapping out the back of his truck and his young brain ready to be put to the test.

Another soggy warmup of the usuals followed by a sidewalk mosey to the bleachers where we traversed up and down in careful fashion using the following modes of transportation: crawl bear up, bear crawl down, crab walk up, walk crab down, klaw (walk backward) up, klaw down. These looked good on paper, but those bleachers are spaced awkwardly, and they’re slick when wet, so, though careful balance was practiced, the heart rate remained low.

Moseyed the rest of the sidewalk trail to the tennis courts for Memory Fest. YHC started with one chosen exercise, then Elmer’s led that exercise followed by one of his choosing. YHC led those two, then added another, etc. The challenge was to remember each exercise in order, along with their given rep count (which varied) before adding your own to the ladder routine. The penalty for forgetting was 10 burpees, and then we’d start from scratch.
These ladders, like all ladders, were challenging; they definitely kept the heart rate up and the sweat stamps fresh on the court. We got through two stacks, both ending with Elmer’s botching the rep count (though YHC’s mental accuracy wouldn’t have lasted much longer if he hadn’t).
Ended with some Mary and COT where we both remembered our names after a period of reflection. It was good to have some 1:1 time with Elmer’s, and the incoming storm kept the temperature down with a nice breeze, so YHC is grateful for a great morning. Nothing like suffering through a solid beatdown with good men!