The Birth of the Renaissance
The Birth of the Renaissance

The Birth of the Renaissance


Last week was technically supposed to be the official launch of the new Sunday AO, but Mother Nature prevented anyone beyond YHC from actually posting. With fair weather and high humidity, 6 men, including 1 FNG, met near NOMA to celebrate the actual official launch of the new AO. No kettle bells here, just a good old fashioned beat down was expected, as was promised on Mumble Chatter. YHC rolled in sort of hot, with only 3 minutes to spare. With the clock striking 0630, it was time for the disclaimer, and then a short mosey to the grass near the tree line for…..

SSH IC x 31
IW IC x 20
Abe Vigodas IC x 10
Grass Grabbers IC x 15
Arm Circles IC x 20
Peter Parker IC x 20
Mountain Climbers IC x 20
Parker Peter IC x 20

Thang 1
Instructions were simple….
Line up at first tree, bear crawl to the next tree and complete 5 Burpees
Lunge Walk to next tree, and complete 5 Burpees
Bear crawl to next tree, and complete 5 Burpees
Lunge walk to next tree, and complete 5 Burpees
Sprint back to first tree
YHC was leading the way, and sprinted back to the first tree, with Tool right behind. Once back at the tree, Tool informs YHC that we may have skipped a part. Yes, we did. YHC did not follow his own instructions and left off the second lunge walk. Of course all Pax followed suit, as the Q is always right. However, once back at the tree line, we completed the lunge walk with 5 burpees to the first tree, and sprinted back. All was right in the world once again.

Thang 2
Bataan Death March on Lelong Drive
Form a column for an Indian Run with the last man dropping for 3 Burpees then sprinting to the front of the column.
Each Pax had the pleasure of doing it once with a regular Indian Run to finish at the museum.

Thang 3
Dora 1..2..3
Partner up
100 Burpees, 200 Squats, 300 LBC’s
Cumulative exercise where Pax 1 starts and Pax 2 runs a lap around NOMA, then flap jack until complete.

Thang 4
Shock and Awe
Some mumblechatter initially, but it didn’t last long
SSH IC x 5
10 Burpees OYO
SSH IC x 5
9 Burpees OYO
SSH IC x 5
2 Burpees OYO
SSH IC x 5
At this point, most pax know what comes next. However YHC had a surprise. Instead of the anticipated 10 Burpees at the bottom of the ladder, YHC did a sudden change and incorporated another favorite exercise….
Catalina Wine Mixers IC x 10 (6 count) – It’s a real crowd pleaser.

With 3 minutes remaining, a few stretches to assist in the cool down.

Count off, Name-o-rama, name the FNG, Announcements, and closed it out with a prayer.


It took the Pax a long time to name the FNG. He’s going to work for Monster Energy Drinks, but we were drawing a blank, so Metry it became, as he lives there, and we don’t have one yet. If you don’t like it, too bad. You should have posted……

With the time it took to name the FNG, YHC decided we would let the name for the AO marinate in our heads, and any good options could be submitted on Mumble chatter. Since we want something to do with the museum, YHC came up with The Renaissance, or just Renaissance. Unless there is serious opposition to this proposal, it shall stand. The Renaissance was primarily a time of the revival of Classical learning and wisdom after a long period of cultural decline and stagnation. Sounds like a cure for Sad Clown Syndrome to me……it lends to the DRP.

Whenever YHC needs to bring a good beat down, burpees seem to do the trick. They are the perfect full body exercise.

With 3 Q’s in the last 4 days, YHC did not see 1 Shovel Flag…….just sayin’

Thanks for helping me launch the new AO. Somebody needs to step up and take the Q for next week.