The Backup
The Backup

The Backup

PAX:Cowbell, Shooter, Steve (QIC)

Being called in as a last minute backup can go one of two ways: either you’re a little stressed because you have to plan a beatdown quickly, or maybe the opposite, a little too relaxed, shirking that preparation because… hey, you’re the backup, what’re they expecting?

Now, I’m not gonna say that YHC came wholly unprepared, not my style.  But preparation was …light.

We already knew Pik and Wacker were out this morning, so Shooter and I stood in the darkness wondering if it’d be just the two of us.  Then we saw Cowbell’s truck coming in hot… or at least, we thought it was Cowbell’s truck.  It came and went.  Hmm. “I guess that wasn’t Cowbell,” I say to Shooter. “No, that was him,” he responds. And sure enough, the car returns after pulling a three-point turn and Cowbell pops out.  Hmm. Well, it is early in the morning, no judgement here.

Warmorama:  Torso twist, arm circles, SSH, IW’s, high knees, and butt kicks, all x20 IC.

Thang:  Mosey a whopping 20 feet to the edge of the basketball court for a mix of suicides and AMRAPS:

Full court suicide

1 minute of merkins

Full court suicide

1 minute of BB sit-ups

Full court suicide

1 minute of jump tucks

Full court suicide

1 minute of one leg lateral hops, another minute for the other leg

Full court suicide

1 minute of Aussie pull-ups

Full court suicide

90 seconds of plank jacks

Lunge walk half the court, bear crawl back

1 minute of shoulder taps

Full court suicide

Over to center court for a rousing round of Burp n’ Merk (ascending merkins with each burpee), up to 10. Shooter requested we descend back down to 1, as real men would, but time was short.

Closed it out with some Mary, little manny crunches, hello dolly’s, x 25 in random cadences.

COT and Shooter prayed us out.  A sincere thank you for the opportunity to better myself with good men like yourselves.