That’s No Moon… – from Paradox
That’s No Moon… – from Paradox

That’s No Moon… – from Paradox

PAX:Enron, Goose, Tana, Dilly, Pope, Cardinal

A long long time ago , in a Lions Den not too far away 7 pax assembled on May the 4th to defeat the mighty Death star.
YHC would love to tell you we met this terror with a united pax but recent May challenge skirmishes have our x wings loaded with Ether and drawing lines in the Tatooine sand.

Darth Ragnar Tana flew his silent Rav4Destroyer and met two of his JV crew from planet Chackbay. M2d2 and Cardinal3PO flexed in synchronized maroon ready to steal hundreds of points. YHC (palpatinDox? No? Ok I’ll keep workshopping it ) had his two Threat Level Midnight Allie’s, Ron Solo and DillyBaca ready to continue the force choking points party. Finally no defeat of the empire can occur without Goose Skywalker and His padawan Pope plus the trusted Yoda mat. (Wise to bring it , he was). We put aside our alliances for 45 minutes to bring peace to the galaxy.

Duke! Put down that lightsaber and roll the bean footage!

The usuals
Tana continues to need a seminar on warmup protocol. I’ll be reaching out to his former educators for advise. This will definitely come up in todays Teams Call.

YHC introduced the DeathStar

5 stations dispersed along a roughly estimated .7 miles ish
1: coupon curls at lion
2: Stairs 20 merkins
3: bench 20 bbsu
4: dock 20 wide merkins
5: tennis court 20 ww1 sit-ups

Round 1
Tour the stations All together mosey in between and get a feel for the enemy.

Round 2
Han Solo Mission
Everyone on your own
Pope took the title at 5:56 and secured the Animal performance of the beatdown

Round 3
Siths come in pairs
Pair up and you can help your partner finish Reps buttt this round you have 40

Round 4
Defeat the Death Star as a team
Team communication and effort to beat 6 minutes on the course.
We sprinted to the flag for 6a, Saved the galaxy of Houma Thibodaux but we did perish in the blast by missing those last 20 star jumps. Just know that years from now when Yankee Jeauxbi One Kenobi tells our story at the Jedi Temple we will all be remembered as galactic heroes.

COT and Dilly prayed us out


Coming together is a beginning
Staying together is progress
Working together is success
– Henry Ford

– Great morning seeing and feeling the progression from solo work, to pairs, to a full team push. YHC needs constant reminders of the strength of leaning on strong bonds during overwhelming times and I’m grateful to have you men as a safety net.

See you in the gloom