That Ain’t The Way To Have Fun, No – from Steve
That Ain’t The Way To Have Fun, No – from Steve

That Ain’t The Way To Have Fun, No – from Steve

PAX:Barely Legal, BBQ, Einstein, Fletch, Mobydick, Shooter, Steve

With Jose away, the Pax will play – we took a break from the Purple Rain and dove into some Purple Haze on this hot and humid gloom, sweating it out to some 70’s classics (Yes, YHC had to adjust the playlist decade for the Covington crew, which skews slightly older – one day Pickaxe will hopefully be doing the same for me cuz I ain’t working out to no Drake!)

Partnered up at the back of the Justice Center for some 100’s (not the Bushwacker kind): 100 cumulative reps of the following exercises (P1), with P2 running up the courthouse steps and doing 1 Bobby Hurley (temporarily renamed Caitlin Clarks by BBQ) before returning to pick up where P1 left off.

Lunges (2:1)
Freak Nasties
Alternating Step Ups
Apollo Ohnos (2:1)
Monkey Humpers
Flutter Kicks
Plank Jacks
Crunchy Frogs

Yes, I purposefully buried the burpees with the hopes that we wouldn’t get to them, which worked. Unfortunately, we did get to the T-Merkins, which gave some of the Pax PTSD from Pik’s H8! this past Saturday.

Wrapped it up on the Monkey Humper round – knocked out 40 together before heading back to the flag. BBQ noted that starting with Randy Newman’s Mama Told Me Not to Come was just as appropriate as wrapping things up with The Allman Brothers’ Whipping Post. Touché.

Speaking of BBQ, we checked his hat-o-meter sweat lines at the end of the workout (as has been tradition the last few times I’ve posted) and he surmised this beatdown was one of the top three most sweat-inducing. And while I’d love to take credit for such an achievement, I think if he just laid on the concrete in front of the courthouse he’d probably have sweat just as much.

Moby also then provided a profanity-laced PSA about heat stroke, which is indeed a good reminder for all of us: Don’t be a %#@*$ idiot and mess around with that shit, get yourself some %#@*$ water. Yes sir! (Respect, respect, respect.)

Oh, and it’s unanimous – go watch Your Honor!

COT and Fletch prayed us out with much needed prayers for world peace. Always a pleasure and an honor to be out there with you guys!