JUST received log-in credentials, this is one week over due and I am using that as my excuse for not remembering everything or all who were there, but listing the grind below for the record:
It was a crisp, moist morning…
10 burpees to wake ’em up
Quick jog around parking lot
‘Light’ning Speed required building length of sprints @ the lights near flag: sprint to first light post, jog remainder, catch breath…sprint to second light post, jog remainder, catch breath…wash, rinse & repeat to a full sprint, then wind back down until you end back at spring to first light and jog remainder
Walked to Benches under the Shelter for Core stations, going through 3 rounds of the following: (1) Toe taps (x30, this was the count), (2) L-Sits from your 6, (3) Inclined Mntn Climbers
Mosey to levy…despite being October 26th, we were treated with what smelled of prime crawfish season…ideal hill conditions!
‘7 Sheets to the Wind’ required sprinting to gravel @ top of levy, walking back down to start line, quick breather, then sprint to top…7x
Mosey to Zoo entrance to grab bench and ledge for Strength stations, going 3 rounds of the following: inclined Merk push-offs the bench, dips, box jumps onto ledge (x10, this was the count)
Mosey to flag, ended 3 minutes early. VQ in the books. Actually enjoyed doing it – thanks to RY for volun-telling me to do this.
Did I do this right?