Take me to the River (OG) – from Thumb War
Take me to the River (OG) – from Thumb War

Take me to the River (OG) – from Thumb War

Parker peters
Mountain climbers
Arm circles F&B
Seal claps

Moseyed to the large parking lot for a couple routines on about 100 yards of Asphalt. **I treated the Pax to a River themed playlist. Took “Proud Mary” for Gabby to pick up on this.

Routine 1: Quarter Pounder

Sprint to the 25 yards and Do 25 merkins, Run backwards to Goal And Sprint to the 50 and do 50 squats, Backwards to Goal Line sprint to the 75 and do 75 plank jacks, Run backwards to the goal line and sprint to the hundred and do 100 SSH. mix and match exercises for the reps.

Routine 2: Red Barchetta (Gabby seemed disappointed that YHC didn’t have the supporting song.)

100 Yard Dash then 100 SSHs, run back to start point to plank/wait for six; 75 yard dash then 75 mountain climbers, run back to start point to plank/wait for six; 50 yard dash then 50 LBCs, run back to start point to plank/wait for six; 25 yard dash then 25 shoulder taps (2 is 1), run back to start point to plank/wait for six; 10 yard dash then 10 burpees, run back to start point and plank/wait for six.

Moseyed to the amphitheater where Vagabond admired the rock formation on the batture and brought to YHC’s attention

Left legged step ups
Right legged step ups
Incline merkins

Pick out a rock for squats, more step ups (weighted this time) and derkins

Mosey to flag for Quick Mary

Tin snips
And T-square led Lazy boys

COT – continued prayers for T-Square’s rockstar M

Hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did. Thanks and til next time. Peace