All Aboard! Hahahaha – 1 Yr Anniversary
At this time last year, I showed up to my first lakefront beatdown (thanks Russo), and almost didn’t come back. I was a gym rat, couldn’t run a mile, ate like crap, and hovered around 190. But I was intrigued by the companionship of the PAX that day, the leadership …
Blame Akbar. This was his doing, really. His “block party,” (henceforth known as ‘Akbar’s Abomination’) – which was preceded by Tank’s Murph – pretty much guaranteed that Saturday’s beatdown would focus on legs and core. But first, the pre-thang : the usual 2 miles out and back with the …
50 Reasons to Come Out and Play
As the clock turned 6:30, the pacs who dared to walk outside during the corona virus hysteria, could not help but notice the coupons that were awaiting them for the beat down. But before we get to that, let’s warm up…… Forward arm circles – 10 IC, Reverse arm circles …
The Return of Captain Sparkles!
An unexpected hero materialized out of the gloom this morning: Captain Sparkles, the firefighting leader of men with his amulet of FD power returned to show the PAX how a real man carries another man through a tunnel. Warm-ups were SSH, Windmills, Arm Circles, IW’s and Butt Kicks. Then, we …
He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother
From Goose: As the PAX circled in the light of a cold Saturday morning, YHC received for the first time as Q the focused look of many men trying to guess the type and magnitude of the pain they’re about to endure. And, though the beatdown wasn’t an overwhelming challenge …
5 Years of F3?
I should be in better shape by now. I haven’t been as intense as many of you, and I’ve definitely taken some chunks of time off, but I keep coming back. I come back because of you. Thanks for pushing me harder than I ever would have gone on my …
Records Were Meant To Be Broken
While a few soldier Pax were recovering from Tanked Up’s overnight 100k Hundo, the rest of us got to work on a clear Breesy Saturday before the Saints stick it to the Vikings on Sunday. Pre-thang 2 miler with Turbo, Pik, Freon, Zoo, and FNG Paul. We warmed up with …
Sayonara 2019!
YHC got a little too comfortable with all these muggy December mornings and today’s below-40º temps really snuck up on me. I even had some new Christmas gloves I could’ve tested out had I realized before bolting out the door! Alas, it wasn’t to be. Upon arriving to Granny’s empty …
Misty Morning Beatdown
YHC ate way too much over his Christmas break and so was quick to respond to Steve’s call to Q this morning. After joining Legal, Hammer and Zoolander for a little Foreplay in the Gloom, YHC circled up the PAX, partnered up with Grover and got down to business with …