
It really did happen.

You guys will do whatever it takes to keep a guy on the straight and narrow.  Looking back at my one and only backblast (VQ on 11/14), it was late just like this one.  A little headlocking and friendly ribbing may just be the encouragement some of us need. I …

Audible at the Scramble

YHC decided to change up the routine slightly at the Scramble in the Gloom. Each Pax had to complete 50 merkins, burpees, and squats during the course of the 5K. It was good to see Mathlete make a surprise appearance, even though he said he wont be coming back when …

Cool Runnings

With a majority of the PAX still reeling from Week 3 of the IPC, YHC knew the turnout would be relatively light for today’s Scramble. With a light breeze making for some “relatively cool temperatures”, the minor break from the heat and humidity gave the PAX a September reprieve. The …