
Hamilton v Burr

As many New Orleanians might be aware, Hamilton has been playing at The Saenger for a 3 week run. As many F3ians might be aware, Da Parish and Rudy have a thing for musicals. So of course, the Hamilton workout was an obvious combination. And a plot was hatched – …

Sticking to the Classics

YHC and Ya Mom n’dem learned Monday morning as they rode in the Lakeview clown car home from Rock City that Abacus would not be able to Q the Stomp today. Instead of throwing it out to the Mumblechatter in search of a Q, an idea was born: why not …

Just Being HIMs

It’s a start of a new year.  So just get at it.  A PAX of eight on this blustery morning, waves crashing onto the promenade.  After a brief disclaimer and a mosey around the fountain and across the street, The Thang: Warm Up: SSHs 25xIC Low Slow Squats 25xIC Merkins …

Cold, wind & rainy

Did the usual 15 out and 15 back route but finished at the lawn where we did 8 minutes of 1 lap around with 5 burpees and then 1 lap of sprinting the long straightaways and jog across the shorter horizontal runs with another 5 burpees upon completion of lap. …

Stomps and Sprints

Thanks to Gabrielle, YHC had a different take on his usual Stomp-and-Sprint workout. So Tuesday am, time was right to give it a test run. I think it has some potential, but needs some help. We will definitely try again soon. 12 PAX gathered in the gloom. Nice to see …