
Respect, Respect

Today’s Q goal was to get a good full body workout and to keep moving. 13 PAX showed up for the beat down. At 0530 the warm up began. Smurf jacks, Peter Parker’s, Froggies, Parker Peter’s, Don Quixote, Arms circles The Thang: 45 secs per exercise, 10 second rest between …

Cool Breeze at Whoopie

Cooler weather, but still a hot beat down With a fresh core of new blood and the venerable Mahatma, circled up at the concrete area of the levee for Warming the joints 15 each of:Arm Circles fwd/bkwdHill BIlliesImperial WalkersSSHGrass Grabbers Introducing the new guys to 21’sSSH, Abe Vigoda’s, Mountain Climbers …

Stairway to 7

16 men met in the early morning sweltering humidity known as a typical NOLA morning gloom in July.  QIC was anxious to get back to an F3 regiment after returning from a beach vacation where most exercise was pulling chairs and ice chest to and from the beach….oh and a …

The Muscleship Launch

“Without continual growth and progress. such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.” —Benjamin Franklin The Muscleship blasted off in solid fashion this Saturday, thanks in part to the 16 PAX flight crew that hopped on board for the maiden voyage.  This new workout and AO was strategically …