Wolfpack Mountain
Wolfpack Mountain

Just Blimps

Sixteen Nola pax showed up Friday to tackle the mountain.  We took off at 05:30 after a brief disclaimer and went straight to WPM. Everybody partnered up for a variation on BLIMPS. Partner one ran/walked/crawled up the north stairs, across the top and back down, while partner two performed Burpees …

No sweat

6:05 am … 56 degrees … summit of the Mountain … sunrise over downtown … glorious … But first, the pain — The Pax was aimlessly waiting for the Q as YHC rolled in hot at 5:30 sharp.   Quick disclaimer on the move and we were off to the Loyola …

A Boy Named Sue

“He must have thought that it was quite a joke And it got a lot of laughs from a lot of folks It seems I’ve had to fight my whole life through… But I made me a vow to the moon and stars That I’d search the honky-tonks and bars …

As good as it gets

The weather, the serenity of an empty park, 100 year old oak trees, the view of downtown from uptown, shouting cadence over the rumble of a street car, guys gathered for the betterment of the others, God’s blessings-  All things I thought of this morning and all or which make …

FNG Friday Funday

16 Pax showed up this morning for a fun filled workout. Warm up: SSH x25 Hillbilly x15 Imp Walker x15 Smurf Jack x15 Peter Parker x20   Mosey to TD Jesus: Partner up – bear crawl to TD Jesus, crabwalk back, while partner is doing Burpees. Repeat doing monkey humpers …

Hill + Mountain

This morning, it was decided that our group needed a little more prep time before attempting the Maltz Challenge.  We considered the components, specifically the pull ups and knees-to-elbows, and thought a bit more training might be in order, lest we all spend all day at the park. Warmup was …

Bear-pees on the Mountain

Pre- Thang: The breezy 50 degree gloom brought out 16 pax ready for a post Mardi Gras beatdown at WPM. At 05:30 after the disclaimer we went to work. Mosey out and around to TU front lawn for warm up COP: Forward Arm Circles Standing on Left Foot and Forward …