Wolfpack Mountain
Wolfpack Mountain


Peaches was approached to VQ  and in fit of panic enlisted me, Angie’s List, into a Manage-a-Deux-VQ. I graciously accepted and even jotted down some exercises which I promptly left at home. Luckily Peaches was on top of his game and had many fun things planned for the PAX including …

Running Introduction

Not enough can be said about what we can achieve when we are held accountable.  I’d had a long week by Friday morning and the weekend wasn’t looking any better.  No need to get up at 5 right?  Not quite.  Roots had already texted earlier in the week to let …

Viva la cucaracha

Hurt yourself, don’t hurt yourself, your Q had disclaimer issues. Least of the Pax’ problems today…let’s mosey. Around the horn discover Brown Bag hiding in the shrubbery then over to touchdown Jesus for the first COP: SSHx 20, MC x20, HB x20, PP x20, Squat Jacks no Smurf Jacks x 20, …


At 05:30 YHC gave the disclaimer and we were off. A quick mosey over to Touchdown Jesus for the warmup: SSH x 51 IC Mosey to WPM for an Indian Run to the top. Quick round of Mary: LBC’s x 51 IC Mosey down one level to the base of …

Three Years of Respect

A PAX can sometimes be a deaf lot, such as when a Q makes a disclaimer and then starts to mosey: huh, huh, what’d he say?  Where’s he going?  Hey, wait, we’re supposed to be following him? After a clearly articulated, strong-voiced disclaimer at precisely 5:30:00a, YHC started the usual …

The Three Mountains

A record large group of PAX (28!) gathered at the AO in the refreshingly cool morning gloom. YHC bumbled the disclaimer,  and we set off on a mosey across St. Charles, toward the traditional Wolfpack mountain. At the base of Wolfpack, the PAX divided into two groups for parallel Indian …