

Where are my keys, YHC kept muttering to himself.  Tick tock tick tock.  YHC roared in half a minute late to lots of mumblechatter.  Disclaimer easy to give. Definitely not a professional trainer.  So off go the PAX with a mosey around the track to the flag pole. Warmup: SSHs …

Gabby, Come Home

Fall after Day Light Savings Time is glorious.  So git at it. Warm Up SSHs 20xIC Low Slow Squats 20xIC Squat Pulses 10xIC (where are you, Shorty?) Imperial Walkers 20xIC Mountain Climbers 20xIC Self Love OYO COP1: Halo right 10xIC Halo left 10xIC Triceps 15xIC Curls 20xIC Suitcase lift right …


It was foggy in the gloom, so foggy that YHC can’t remember diddly of the PAX did, other than kettle bell tossing.  But it was a GREAT Beatdown. 0