
Holiday Sweet 16 Countdown

Warmup:  SSH, Windmill, Hillbilly, Imperial Walker, Peter Parker, Parker Peter, Alternating toe taps, Arm Circles Moseyed across bridge and back to base of concrete apron across levee THANG: On December 16th, we counted down from 16 reps apiece in each circuit (16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2) Burpees …

Cool Breeze at Whoopie

Cooler weather, but still a hot beat down With a fresh core of new blood and the venerable Mahatma, circled up at the concrete area of the levee for Warming the joints 15 each of:Arm Circles fwd/bkwdHill BIlliesImperial WalkersSSHGrass Grabbers Introducing the new guys to 21’sSSH, Abe Vigoda’s, Mountain Climbers …


5 motivated Pax posted to grow in Fitness, Fellowship and in Faith. With the clock striking 0530, time for a disclaimer and then: Warmup – SSH IC x 31 Grass Grabbers IC x 10 Abe Vigodas IC x 10 AC IC x 20 PP IC x 20 followed by ST …