
Three is the magic number

15 somber Pax showed up for a cold beat-down after witnessing an egregious no-call that sent the hometown team packing. Quarter Pipe summed it nicely upon arrival by yelling “we were robbed”. But after a quick disclaimer we moved forward (we must)…on to the light posts for the warm-up: High …


The opportunity to Q The Birdcage the morning of the Gnarly Nutria presented itself yesterday and I jumped at it.  Immediately, I started brainstorming my Kamikaze Q –  come in hard and heavy, destroy my legs, but take out as many Uptowners along the way as possible.  What would I …

Backblast – Catfish Saturday VQ (2018-07-14)

Greetings folks, Had a great workout this morning with Mr. Catfish’s Virgin Q. Attendees:  Catfish, Rudy, Mahatma Ice, Da Parish, Reluctant Yankee, Cliff Notes, Tool, Babyface, Triple Shift, Fracsac, King King, Mambi, Woz, Gabrielle, Medulla Oblongata, Bogey, Cooch, Calliope, Jinglevader, Dewey, Pie Gow, Abacus, Moist, Belloq, Whoop, Two Yutes Also …