Wet Tap
Wet Tap

“What We Obtain too Cheap, We Esteem too Lightly” – from Yankee Joe

“Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.” – Thomas Paine Warmarama – SSHs – Abe Vigodas (slow windmills) – Knoxville cherry pickers – Willy Mays Hayes – Arm circles – Air squats – …

Stage Record – from Enron

With anticipation building of what could be a new Stage record for attendance, YHC nervously arrived in the impossible-to-see foggy gloom to a surprise of multiple pairs of headlights awaiting. Tuesdays have not normally been highly attended, but all the stars had finally aligned to have a “hard commit” (no …

The Turkey Bowl – from Paradox

11/26/22 7:29 am EDW Stadium A youth sized Wilson football leaves the rocket launcher surgically enhanced shoulder of legendary quarterback Yankee Joe Montana. The game clock strikes 0:00 and the scoreboard is locked in a dead heat 0-0, the leather-bound vessel elevates in a tight spiral and cuts through the …

Skid Marks – from Goose

I know, that’s two backblasts in a row from YHC with a toilet humor theme–I may or may not be working on a streak here. YHC has been yearning to take advantage of the random brick piles strewn about the neighborhood construction sites, and there was a particular exercise routine …

2 Year Manniversary of F3 Thibodaux! A Brief History of F3 Down the Bayou – from Goose

The highly anticipated day had arrived. Costumes were donned, and the gloom was dark. So dark, in fact, that Paradox, fully decked out in unlicensed Jack Sparrow gear, did a full Helen Keller on an FNG, hands all over his face saying, “Goose, Goose is that you?” just because the …