
Scramble indeed!!

0425 came and went with your QIC reaching over to his nightstand hitting what he thought was the  snooze. Soon the realization as he reached yet again to see the illumination of his phone showing 0507 and so the Scramble of sorts begins.. Having clothes laid out like he is …

Pre-Mardi Paws Beat Down!

With port-o-potties, white tents, and police barricades surrounding the AO, the 5 Pacs that showed up knew that a post Mardi Gras parade was coming, so let’s get this beat down started. Warmarama 21’s- Q starts off exercise in cadence up to 5. From there, everyone is quite as a …

Super Bowl Saturday

A little foreplay, a short disclaimer and then off to the races this morning on Super Bowl Saturday. 52 reps of Seal Jacks, Mountain Climbers and Imperial Walkers, all in cadence, for a warmup. Mosey to the first COP for: 10 count Al Gore, 10 copperhead squats, and 10 vertical …

Challenge Accepted

Having an entire month with no ISI challenge seemed to be a challenge in and of itself for the Northshore PAX.  These guys don’t want a month off.  So when Hawg finally issued the February ‘Run Ranger Run’ challenge, the PAX was tripping over itself to register and get started. …

3 Musketeers at the Scramble

It was cold in the gloom this morning at the Scramble.  After some mumble chatter, we got right to it.   Warmup (all IC):  10 SSHs, butt kicks, high knees, Wind Mills, plank-jacks, shoulder taps. Pre thang:  3 minutes of pull-ups, freak nasties, shoulder shrugs, in rotation Thang:  3.2mi run. …

Winter Soldiers

Knowing that it was going to be cold on the Mandeville Lakefront this morning, YHC cast about late Friday for an appropriate pearl of wisdom to drop on the PAX.  Almost instantly, Thomas Paine’s immortal words from the American Revolution came mind: These are the times that try men’s souls.  …

Field of Dreams

“Shoeless” Joe Jackson:  “Is this Heaven?” Ray Kinsella:  “No, it’s Iowa.” YHC has never been to Iowa.  He has, however, been to Baton Rouge….Saturday morning as a matter of fact…and has to admit that Highland Park is beatdown heaven.  If we build it in Baton Rouge, they will come…just like …