
Name change?

That was the question of the morning at the Milestone Marsh.  YHC told the Pax to mosey on over to the”Workout”Equipment and Bushwacker, who pretty much does a play-by-play broadcast during every beatdown, opined that it was really “children’s play” equipment.  And, truthfully, he is probably correct.  But, I have …

Pilates for Men?

4 Pax met up in the brisky gloom this morning for a round of  hip mobilization and core activation activities. Joe Pilates, back in 1919, promised that by following his methods you would develop a flexible youthful spine, a strong center, and system wide integrated strength. Ol’ Joe was a …

AB-solutely Appreciative

“I believe that every human mind feels pleasure in doing good to another” Thomas Jefferson And it was, indeed, a pleasure doing a good job whooping on the the PAX this morning! Warm-o-rama: Air Squared (people’s chair with seal claps) x20 21s – SSH in cadence, 1-5 out loud, 6-21 …

Challenge excepted

YHC arrived at the Scramble on this chilly Gloom with the idea of challenging the PAX to a faster pace on our 5k journey. In past runs we average between 28-30 mins.. As we chattered about the previous months RRR challenge and how neither of the PAX present have ran …

Scramble indeed!!

0425 came and went with your QIC reaching over to his nightstand hitting what he thought was the  snooze. Soon the realization as he reached yet again to see the illumination of his phone showing 0507 and so the Scramble of sorts begins.. Having clothes laid out like he is …